Salton Sea Sandbag Title: Salton Sea Sandbag Time/Place: July 2022 while at Joshua Tree Highlands Artist Residency, Joshua Tree, California USA Weight/Size: sandbag weight: 46.2 pounds / 20.95 kilogramssandbag size: 29″ x 16″ x 7″Materials: sand from California’s Salton Sea, sandbag liner from a roadside DIY sandbag station in Oregon, fabric: comforter cover and belt found in a Joshua Tree Mojave Desert dry-wash/arroyo Details: I am still figuring out how to write about this new work, but here are a few bits about it so far: So far I see that this piece is me grappling with cycles trying to figure out how I feel about them. In this work I am using my awareness of the Salton Sea’s deep and layered history in combination with today’s political and environmental status and the circular cycles seemingly evident in all mentioned. I know that at this time I do not in general have hope and at this moment I am trying to intellectually and scientifically understand and recognize where we are planetarily and humanly. Post navigation SuitSalton Sea Sandbag